Organizational Growth as a Navigation Problem

organizational growth
ad tactics

Alex Leeds


2 May 2024

I think about organizational growth in terms of navigation and competition. Navigation refers to how an organization steers through its environment toward opportunities. Competition refers to the strategies and tactics an organization uses to fight.

Competitive strategy might determine where an organization “goes” in the long term. But I think navigation is equally essential, and not fully covered by classic strategic analysis (five forces, flywheels, zero-to-one, etc).

When your product is better than the competition, you can get huge growth by exploiting your advantages to the hilt: growing into open territory. To do that, navigating requires a clear picture of the landscape, not competitive calculations. If you could only see the opportunity, then you would simply go there. And the difference of a few degrees in direction might be the difference between hitting a vein of gold or missing it completely. Or, more modestly, the benefit of shifting your worst 30% of ads to the performance of your best 30%.

Organizational navigation is like the mechanical navigation of a self-driving car: First, it needs to see and recognize the features of the environment. Therefore…